Tuesday 11 February 2014

My struggle and blessing.

So I have been encouraged that I should not just speak about the bad that has happened but also the good that has happened in my life. I thus include another journey I had to undertake in my past which ended in a miracle from God.

This is unrelated to Placenta Previa, but nonetheless my journey. Gives me hope for the future too. Nothing is impossible

My story

I remember going for fertility for the first time. I seen a girl around my age sitting with her first baby scan. The invitro had worked and she was pregnant. It gave me so much confidence. A bit
of arrogant confidence that I believed in a month’s time that would be my fate too. I was deciding when my time would be. That was when I made decisions on my own strength... That was January 2008.
Since then I had battle after battle. I felt as though my promise land was also 40 years away. I forgot that one day long ago my God opened The Red Sea to let His people walk through. So I had doubt. That miracles don't really exist.  I put my faith in promises of other things instead of Gods promises. So I had a lot of "illnesses" I never thought i would have. 3 operations, invitro, artificial insemination, acupuncture, went to a herbal lady in Eldorado park, homeopathy......... (Sigh)... That was done in my own strength.
I had people all giving me different advice. Confusing me. Some saying wait on God. That’s not the way. Others saying go here. Do this. Do that. Let me not even say what I was told to do with my legs. Lol.
I listened in my own strength, but I was weak.
People would say have faith. I could never understand what they meant. I would say "do I not have faith as small as a mustard seed! I have faith. But what does God want me to have faith in? Doctors, homeopaths, patience... What?"
Then one random day, I had a eureka moment. Who cares what I choose to do. Whether i do homeopathy or go for fertility or do absolutely nothing, as long as I have FAITH in GOD, his will be done. How could something so simple, have been so hard to understand for so long.
I also decided to stop saying negative things. The power of the tongue is so powerful you know, that sometimes we curse ourselves with our own words. So every time, to hide the pain I would tell people I don't care, one child is fine etc, I was just taking a step back. So I began to affirm my desires. Through prayer and supplication I made my requests known to the Lord. I declared by Jesus stripes I am healed. I am pregnant I Jesus name. That I did in Gods strength.
John 14: 13-14 says whatever you ask for in my name that I will do that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
I woke up on 8 April 2011. I had to do a test to rule out pregnancy before I went to the doctor.  Anxiously did probably my 20th pregnancy test and seen something I hadn't seen for over 5 years... A positive result. It took me 4 tests that day to comprehend what the Lord had done for me.
Albert Einstein once said that we can live our lives as though nothing is a miracle or as though everything is a miracle.
When I told people I was pregnant through my joyful tears, they would say " you see all in Gods time" but... I know it was not me waiting on God, but God waiting on me. Waiting for me to believe in Him. To declare it and have faith in Him first and foremost.
I knew a long time ago that however this baby is conceived, it would be to glorify God. That I knew for sure. Doctors said my chances are slim. They didn’t give me hope, but nothing is impossible with God. So this is me glorifying His name. My story is not only for those in my position, but for those who feel they are walking for years to their promise land and are not getting there. Your storm goes on and on it seems?  Well whatever you are going through, remember that if God could open the Red sea for his people, are you not His child too? sometimes to see the rainbow, it has to rain first. My daughter was born 1/12/2011, healthy and in God’s Image
I am not a great Christian. All I know is, an average me, put my faith in God to give me something He promised me. He said ask and it shall be given. I decided to stop looking around for an answer but up. You know if you fall, the best way to get on your feet, is to start on your knees first.
In ending, I leave you with this beautiful phrase on  the definition of a Miracle...
A miracle is an event beyond the power of any known physical law to produce; it is a spiritual occurrence produced by the power of God. Billy Graham

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Praise God! LOL about what you had to do with your legs!!
