Saturday 15 February 2014

Put on my boxing gloves

So I have been frustrated. Feeling like I have to be strong. In my mind it feels like people expect me to be fine. Like over it. I'm sure it's not like that. But I just feel that way. I know I must look forward, but if you haven't been through it... You won't understand. So I hold back. Keep back my tears. But I have been frustrated.

 Thursday I left work. I got a message from someone who read my blog. Telling me she was heartbroken and cried at work. She was one of many who were touched by this blog. All saying they were in tears. So this was it. I cried all the way home. I went to my moms, put on my brothers boxing gloves, and hit that boxing bag like it owed me money. I cried and cried hitting it and hitting it. It helped... Even if just for that 30 minutes. 

Tomorrow is my sons memorial. Wish me luck... 

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