Sunday 14 December 2014

One year

Loss: failure to keep or to continue to have something
: the experience of having something taken from you or destroyed

I can truly say I have loss. I failed to keep something. I tried so hard to keep my child. I truly feel something has been taken or destroyed. 

I can say time heals. But I know the hole where he is supposed to be in my heart will never be filled. I still cry sometimes. From nowhere. Baby showers and births are hard for me sometimes. I'm happy for the mother. I'm just sad for me. 

I live a good life. I'm grateful that I have life. A great family and that God spared me to be able to spend my days with them. 

I think it's too soon to understand what the plan is for me. I believe in the word :" God turns all things to good for those who love him and are called according to His purpose."

It's not easy. I miss my child. I wonder how he would have looked. What eye colour he would've had. His smile and what would have made him laugh. I crave for my son to be here with us. 

Loss is not easy to understand. It's not easy to go through. But that's just it, we have to go through it, and in the best way we  know how. No one can tell you how. 

My son Cayde, today on the anniversary me loosing you, I want to tell you I miss u. I love you and wish you were here. I pray God restores us 100 times more for what we have lost. Take care Cayde Christian. Today I celebrate you. 

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